…And we’re live!

Welcome! One and all to the home of the GA Mountain Dome Home. The time has finally come, and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

Renovating this 1981 Geodesic Dome has had its fair share of ups and downs, but to be pressing publish on our first journal entry as we turn the first 3 guests at the beginning of the year, is a season we have envisioned from the start.

What’s Next?

Soon to come, we would love to share with you:

  • How the dome came to be ours

  • How we approached the renovation and what all it included (Including before & afters)

  • More about the property, outbuildings, and the history of each

  • A spotlight on the dome features & amenities (aka how to not leave without tasting and seeing every last bit of the goodness)

  • More details on our plans for the coming year (spoiler alert: Hot tub coming soon!)

So stick around because there is much more to come.

But until then, welcome to the GA Mountain Dome Home!


Rejuvenation: Exploring the Best Spas in North Georgia